I can't believe it has been 2 months since I last authored a blog post here. I remain, most thankfully, hives free. I am increasingly convinced it was a medication issue.
Just a few weeks ago, I had to change to a different generic of the antidepressant that I am on. Needless to say, I was VERY nervous. Wondering if some new inactive ingredients would trigger hives again. I am pleased to report that it did not.
I did just have some of the chest flushing a few evenings last week, while I was on my "one week off" break from 3 months of continuous birth control pills. I have come to know and accept that as just a hormonal thing that is highly transient.
I hope that my blog gives some hope to those of you out there suffering currently. It may be even longer before I write again (hopefully), since there has been very little more to say.
Keep the faith!!