Saturday, December 29, 2012

After spicy food and rice, "heat rash" appears next day

Still no hives thank goodness! Even over the joyous yet stressful holiday time.

But last night for dinner, I had some spicy Thai food with a little bit of rice. Later last night, my one cheek near nose started to feel a little itchy. I saw that it was a little pink/red but no hives. This morning, it was the same way and still a bit itchy. But it has almost faded now as I type this in the afternoon. Some slight redness but no more itch.

So either the spicy food or the rice are the cause. I think tomorrow I will eat some plain rice, and see what happens. If nothing then it is probably the spicy food. They (medical websites) do say that spicy foods can aggravate heat rashes. I will be surprised if it is the rice, but I suppose anything is possible.

I am back onto my old antidepressant for anxiety, but taking a slightly smaller dose. I have been feeling pretty good overall. Not having the hives outbreaks for some time now has helped my mood and attitude considerably.

Happy new year all! Hoping that 2013 brings better things to come.

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