Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hives Flare-Up Linked to Viral Infection?

So this past week, I was really sick for a few days with a bad viral bug -- bad cold and sore throat on Sunday-Wednesday. In the midst of that, I noticed that my hives seemed a bit worse. I didn't take any medicine for the viral bug. Maybe since being sick put additional strain on my immune system, my body responded with some more hives than usual? I had some on my face on Tuesday, and as usual, on my hands and hips. There is an article on on this topic:

Being gluten free doesn't seem to be helping at all. I'll give it another week or so, until I meet with the Endocrinologist, then decide whether to stay GF or not.

I've started to keep more diligent of a food diary too. I'll do that for a few weeks as well, tracking what I eat, and when and where the hives show up on my body each day. Maybe I will start to see patterns that trigger them.

Despite all of this, my mood has been very good -- and it's not keeping me from work or socializing. I know that having a good attitude is important, and it can be hard sometimes to get there. But staying focused on all the little positives each day and being mindful of those is very helpful.

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