Monday, November 5, 2012

Maybe I should add dentist visit to list of chronic hives exploration

I was reading this morning about a number of people who had chronic hives clear up after a visit to the dentist cleared up tooth abcesses or other dental issues. I guess the explanation is that there is an infection in the tooth area, root, whatever. I haven't been to see a dentist in 3 years! (shame on me) I don't have any tooth issues that I am aware of. No tooth pain, no headaches, etc. And none of my bloodwork suggests an infection. But perhaps if some of these other options don't work out, I can explore that one.

I think I have decided to go the route of trying the thyroid hormone therapy. Last night, I ended up with another rash on my chest that got very itchy -- not hives, but very much like a heat rash. All I was doing was reading in bed, and not sweating or too hot at all!

I will continue to provide updates on how things go. Going to call the endocrinologist office here soon.

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